Sustainable Activities

Sustainability is becoming normal practice not only in tourism industry but entire our society. We are assure that everyone want to minimise the impact on the environment, and maximise benefits to local people and places. Let give your hand together to make a better life, better environment...

Some suggestions for travel responsibility
Support small communities | Preserve their cultures and traditions | Respect the environment | Enjoy local foods | Buy local souvenirs | Follow local customs | Try not to use plastic bottles

All members at Jewel Tours receive health insurance, social insurance, a safe, modern environment, the freedom to express their concerns, and equality between man and women. Working 44 hours/week, get monthly paid plus incentive, yearly holiday, and inspection to update existing or new destinations.

Maybe our first thing has been done after Covid-19: Collaboration and sponsoring to consolidate Kampong Khleang school in Siem Reap (A school by the Tonle Sap Lake). Here are some photos before and after consolidation Click for the entire project